Therapy for ANXIETY AND PANIC attacks

Can you relate?

“I am constantly in fight or flight.” “My muscles are always tense.” “My anxiety feels out of control, no matter how hard I try to manage it.” “Panic attacks or anxiety are preventing me from connecting with others or completing tasks at work.” “My coping skills are no longer working, or I want new coping skills for managing my anxiety.” “I’m living in fear.” “I often don’t know what causes my feelings of anxiety.” “I get caught in spiraling thoughts.” “I sometimes feel like I cannot breathe.”

you are not alone.


Anxiety is a natural and adaptive response to stress and perceived threats. When our brains perceive danger, the autonomic nervous system kicks in to protect us with symptoms like hyper vigilance, quick/shallow breathing, and racing heart. While occasional anxiety is a normal part of life, persistent and intense anxiety or panic attacks can make daily life extremely uncomfortable, or even terrifying. Anxiety disorders are very common, and if you’re experiencing persistent anxiety that is impacting your wellbeing — you’re not alone.

It can feel scary when coping skills no longer work like they used to, or feel like they’re not working at all! Persistent fear is exhausting for our nervous systems, and you do not have to navigate this by yourself.

Therapy for Anxiety and Panic attacks

55-minute sessions

Using a non-pathologizing approach, I support clients in building a deeper understanding of their anxiety symptoms - where they come from and what anxiety is trying to tell us. As anxiety is often felt in the body, we can explore body-based and somatic approaches to help you manage your symptoms and enhance your coping skills. Polyvagal Theory, a theory of nervous system regulation, can be especially effective when treating anxiety. I am an EMDR trained therapist, and EMDR may also help us address the root causes of your anxiety, tending to your past, so you can feel grounded in the present.

Let’s face this together.


If you are initially reaching out, you can expect to hear from me within two business days.