Therapy for Somatic symptoms

Can you relate?

“My stomach is constantly in knots.” “I get migraines or headaches.” “Doctors have told me that I am healthy, but I feel like something is wrong with me.” “I have digestive issues or IBS.” “I compulsively Google my symptoms or spend time on WebMD.” “I’m terrified of having an undiscovered illness or medical issue.” “I feel like my body is working against me.”

You are not alone.

What Are somatic symptoms?

Somatic symptoms of mental health may feel scary and confusing. Emotions are a physiological experience, meaning that emotions are felt in our bodies. Our bodies send continuous signals to us throughout each day about our perceived safety and comfort, making the body a rich source of information about what we feel and what we’ve been through. Folks who have experienced trauma are especially susceptible to their bodies holding traumatic memories.

Whether it’s muscle tension, digestive discomfort, sexual dysfunction, or chronic pain, we can work together to increase curiosity and attunement to what your body is trying to say.

*It is important to rule out any medical challenges with your doctor.

Our bodies tell the story that our minds sometimes don’t know how to use words for... and in doing so, our bodies are directing us toward healing.
— Dr. Hillary McBride

Therapy for Somatic Symptoms

55-minute sessions

Increasing embodiment is courageous. Our bodies are where we have experienced our most painful moments in life. I am passionate about helping clients feel safe and at home in their bodies. The attachment-based theories that I use with clients naturally support clients’ awareness of their inner experiences (Emotion-Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) and Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)). I help clients become more mindful and curious about their bodily cues, working to increase awareness and inner dialogues that lead toward mind-body collaboration. Information about how our nervous systems are designed to keep us safe, Polyvagal Theory, empowers clients with education and skills to regulate their bodies’ natural reactions to perceived danger. As an EMDR trained therapist, EMDR may also be used to support clients in finding relief from their symptoms.

*It is important to rule out any medical challenges with your doctor.

Let’s face this together.

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