Therapy for attachment and developmental TRAUMA

Can you relate?

“My caregivers/parents did not express empathy or emotional awareness.” “I have trouble trusting others due to what I’ve experienced in relationships.” “I had a caregiver who struggled with untreated mental health challenges or substances.” “My caregiver/parent was absent.” “I struggle with people pleasing due to my early relationships.”“I had to walk on eggshells around my parents/caregivers.” “I have experienced betrayals in my relationships.”

You are not alone.

What is DEVELOPMENTAL trauma?

Developmental and attachment trauma refer to the negative impact on a person's emotional and psychological well-being due to disruptions or disturbances in their early attachment relationships. Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond formed between an infant and their primary caregivers. This bond plays a crucial role in shaping the individual's sense of security, trust, and ability to form healthy relationships later in life.

Developmental trauma may occur when a child experiences sustained abuse or neglect, witnesses domestic violence, has a caregiver who struggles with mental health challenges or substances, or is separated from caregivers. Adults who have a history of developmental trauma may experience a disrupted sense of self, difficulty regulating emotions, negative self-image, and difficulties in trusting others or maintaining fulfilling relationships.

Attachment is our connection with the world. In the earliest attachment relationships, we gain or lose the ability to stay open, self-nurturing and healthy. In those early attachment bonds, we learned to experience anger or to fear it and repress it. There we developed our sense of autonomy or suffered its atrophy.
— Dr. Gabor Maté

Therapy for Attachment and Developmental trauma

55-minute session

I prioritize building a foundation of safety and comfort in the therapeutic space. I will meet you where you are, and we will work at the pace that feels safe to you. You are the expert of you, and I prioritize your autonomy and agency in our work. Taking a non-pathologizing approach, we can be curious about how your survival strategies have worked for you in life as you bravely move forward in your path to healing. Theories based in attachment science, Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) and Emotion-Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT), provide a frame for our work together as we explore and process how your early experiences with others have impacted your sense of self. I integrate trauma-informed theories in my work with clients, including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and nervous system-based approaches (Polyvagal Theory).


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